This is how you sign Cupboard in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Cupboard" in American Sign Language (ASL), position both hands formed into fists in front of you to represent cupboard doors. Proceed to open the 'doors' by pulling both fists away from the center of your body, pivoting them at the wrists.
How to sign
To sign "Cupboard" in American Sign Language (ASL), position both hands formed into fists in front of you to represent cupboard doors. Proceed to open the 'doors' by pulling both fists away from the center of your body, pivoting them at the wrists.
To sign "Cupboard" in American Sign Language (ASL), position both hands formed into fists in front of you to represent cupboard doors. Proceed to open the 'doors' by pulling both fists away from the center of your body, pivoting them at the wrists.
Word definition
Furniture: A storage cabinet with doors.
Synonyms & similar words
Cabinet, Closet