This is how you sign Pandemic in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Pandemic" in American Sign Language (ASL), form fists with both hands, and position the dominant hand behind the non-dominant one with palms facing forward and downward. Then, while keeping them in contact, rotate and open the dominant hand into an open palm.
How to sign
To sign "Pandemic" in American Sign Language (ASL), form fists with both hands, and position the dominant hand behind the non-dominant one with palms facing forward and downward. Then, while keeping them in contact, rotate and open the dominant hand into an open palm.
To sign "Pandemic" in American Sign Language (ASL), form fists with both hands, and position the dominant hand behind the non-dominant one with palms facing forward and downward. Then, while keeping them in contact, rotate and open the dominant hand into an open palm.
Word definition
Health: A disease spreading across many countries.
Synonyms & similar words