This is how you sign Here in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign “Here” in American Sign Language (ASL), both hands are in a relaxed flat hand shape. Palms facing up. The hands are not "rigidly" flat but have a very slight curve. The thumbs are open a little bit, but certainly not "extended. Each hand moves in a circular motion.
How to sign
To sign “Here” in American Sign Language(ASL), both hands are in a relaxed flat hand shape. Palms facing up. The hands are not "rigidly" flat, but have a very slight curve. The thumbs are open a little bit, but certainly not "extended. Each hand moves in a circular motion.
To sign “Here” in American Sign Language(ASL), both hands are in a relaxed flat hand shape. Palms facing up. The hands are not "rigidly" flat, but have a very slight curve. The thumbs are open a little bit, but certainly not "extended. Each hand moves in a circular motion.
Word definition
Place: In this spot or location.
Synonyms & similar words
There, This spot